Back in those days when the world made much more sense even an aggregate 24 won’t get you anywhere near
a university, but now it is been done. What an irony, aggregate 14 with D7 in
maths, science or English won’t save you but aggregate 36 with no D7 and below
would get you there!
Make sure you don’t have a D7. The National
Accreditation Board (the zoom lion of schools in Ghana) does not permit anyone
to go to a university with that. If you do and they find it on that institution’s
database, NAB might revoke their license.
This scares me (696 students sacked )
Finally (1400 students troubled)
With your Grade 36, find any of the private
universities or colleges. You might not have the chance to do a degree
immediately but here is the catch, the private man does not want you to take
your money away (never! ) so you can do their diploma courses for 1yr and when
you friends who started with you but in a degree course are moving on to 200,
you join them at level 200. What a smooth transition eh? It works. A lot of people you see attending universities are actually doing diplomas.
You can join them.
If you want a direct degree then it is 24
or better and nothing else (maybe your links?).
Follow KNUST admission requirements
Caution; for those of you who have admission
with D7 you better upgrade your grades fast. You can’t graduate with that, if NAB
finds out about you they would make sure you are out with your tail in-between
your legs. Back in those days I had friends in varsity with terrible grades,
they bettered while having their tertiary education, be smart.
DBS student? I understand it is used for
university education anymore. You only attend a polytechnic with it. It’s unfair
they are doing this to us polytechnic guys but we know who we are, we deliver –
I have gone high anyway. If you are tough somebody can help you, I won’t say
much please.
Some few years back DBS was a varsity passport but it is no more; very soon they might close this one too but where there is a will there is a way.
If you need help in this area come to me, it’s free advice
Share this page for your friends and loved ones to benefit;
knowledge is power.
Best of Luck